26 december 2019

Case of Abuse of Power by Head of Community Detected

Case of Abuse of Power by Head of Community Detected

As a result of operative-search measures conducted by the National Security Service of RA, a case of abuse of power by the head of Masis community of the RA Ararat Marz was detected.

According to the obtained preliminary data, the employees and members of the Council of Elders of the Masis Municipality of Ararat Marz, during 2007-2008, acting upon the instruction of the head of the community, without the corresponding grounds prescribed for by the law, considered one of the members of the Council of Elders of the community to be a socially unsecured person,  upon the basis of the decision of the Council of Elders, by  donation, alienated to the latter the administrative building with an area of 833.2 square meters that was the property of the community and was occupied by one of the CJSCs, afterwards with a direct sale, upon another decision, alienated to the same member of the Council of Elders the plot of land with an area of 299 square meters  occupied by the given company. Then, upon the instruction of the head of the community, the indicated administrative area and the plot of land were donated to the persons indicated by him – to the latter’s son and to the daughter of the former head of Police of RA.

Thus, as a result of the activities of a number of persons, the natural course of activities of the State authority was hampered, the requirements of legal norms regulating the alienation of the property and plots of land belonging to the community were not met, as a result of which the property and the plot of land of a particularly big value were illegally alienated, causing grave consequences.

A criminal case on the fact was initiated in the Investigation Department of the NSS of RA on the bases of the corresponding articles. A preliminary investigation is being conducted.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA-by the court decision entered into legal force.