25 november 2019

E. Martirosyan Participated in Official Opening Ceremony of Building of Aragatsotn Regional Department

E. Martirosyan Participated in Official Opening Ceremony of Building of Aragatsotn Regional Department

The official opening of the administrative building of the Regional Department of the National Security Service of RA, located at 5 Isahakyan street, took place in the city of Ashtarak, Aragatsotn Marz of the Republic of Armenia. The deputy directors and the heads of the subdivisions of the NSS, led by Interim Director of the NSS of RA colonel Eduard Martirosyan, also participated in the ceremony.

Having congratulated the officers of the Aragatsotn Regional Department of the NSS, E. Martirosyan noted that the construction works of the building had started around a year ago.

After getting familiarized with the offices and their technical equipment, E. Martirosyan noted in his congratulatory speech as well that the improvement of the building conditions and its equipment would be continuous and had one goal—to increase the efficiency and quality of the work of the NSS bodies.

Tree-planting took place as well in the yard of the regional administrative building of the NSS in Aragatsotn.