22 november 2019

The Criminal Case Initiated in Investigation Department of NSS of RA on Illegal Adoptions Has Been Referred to Investigative Committee of RA

The Criminal Case Initiated in Investigation Department of NSS of RA on Illegal Adoptions Has Been Referred to Investigative Committee of RA

The National Security Service of RA has already made an official statement about detecting cases of adoption of numerous children with gross violation of the laws of the Republic of Armenia based on which, according to the corresponding articles of the Criminal Code of RA, a criminal case was initiated in the Investigation Department of RA NSS.

Taking into account the public interest in the apparent crime and in the ongoing preliminary investigation, the National Security Service deems appropriate to inform that the mentioned criminal case initiated on 26 October 2019 in the Investigation Department of the NSS of RA—in strict compliance with criminal procedural norms—on 12 November 2019 was referred to the Investigative Committee of RA through the General Prosecutor's office to continue the preliminary investigation in accordance with investigative subordination.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA by the court decision entered into legal force.