30 october 2019

Case of Theft by Swindle of Big Amount of Money Detected

Case of Theft by Swindle of Big Amount of Money Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, being faithful to the principle envisaged by law of respecting and protecting the rights and freedoms of an individual and a citizen, considering  the combat against the crime as one of the priorities, after receiving a report of a crime from the citizen of RA on 14 October 2019, as a result of the undertaken operative-search measures and investigative activities, received factual information according to which the mentioned RA citizen, who was deported to Armenia and wanted to return to the Russian Federation, to solve this matter got acquainted with RA citizen in Yerevan, who, having an intention to steal the latter's money by deception, in order to gain trust introduced himself as a police officer, showed his photo in uniform of RA Police and expressed willingness to organize the deported RA citizen’s return to Russia in exchange for AMD 1,000,000.

Then, under the pretext of payments to be made, he demanded and received from the victim RUR 41.000 and AMD 35.000 during September 2019, and USD 1000 on 15 October 2019, thus, by deception he stole big amount of money equivalent to AMD 803.490.

After receiving the last part of the requested money, the person, who committed alleged crime under the control of the operational subdivisions of RA NSS, was arrested by the officers of RA NSS and confessed having committed the crime after being brought in.

On 21 October 2019, according to the corresponding articles of the Criminal Code of RA criminal case was initiated in the Investigation Department of RA NSS on the fact of an apparent crime; preliminary investigation is being conducted.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA by the court decision entered into legal force.