18 october 2019



The National Security Service of RA with a view to ensuring maximum authority of the judge and the judicial power, respect for their independence, as well as confidentiality of pre-trial proceeding refrained from publishing information on the actions relating to the acting President of the Constitutional Court and the members of his family. However, given that there have been numerous publications in the press about the actions of the NSS of RA with the participation of the family members of the President of the Constitutional Court, besides, seeking to avoid inappropriate speculations and dissemination of incorrect information, we state the following:

Within the framework of the materials- being prepared in the manner prescribed by article 180-181 of the Criminal Procedure Code of RA  on the fact of apparent misappropriations, as well as acceptance of unimplemented works by the officials while conducting restoration-construction works /worth around 855 million AMD/ of the building at Zakyan street, house 2, Yerevan, as well as repair works /worth around 15 million AMD/ of “Abovyan” Penitentiary Institution and secondary school in Sari Tagh under the Ministry of Justice, during 2012-2014- data were received about construction materials provided to and construction works implemented for an official, at no cost, by the representative of the company which conducted the above-mentioned construction works; in this regard an explanation has also been received from Vardan Tovmasyan, father of the President of the the Constitutional Court.

Besides, in the framework of the complex judicial constructional-technical and merchandising expertise based on the collected materials, the latter was offered to let the experts examine the roof their house, however it was rejected by him.

Meanwhile, agreeing with the wish of V.Tovmasyan, he was offered to give an explanation in his own house. With this aim officer of the NSS of RA visited the house of V.Tovmasyan, however he changed his position and preferred to give the explanation in the administrative building of the NSS of RA in the presence of the lawyers invited by him.

Based on the materials being prepared, measures are being taken to determine the extent of possible damage against the State, as well as to establish the officials, who approved the works, which actually were not performed.

At the same time, the need for the explanation from the members of the family of the President of the Constitutional Court Hrayr Tovmasyan was due to the need of the verification of the data, received during the preparation of the materials, regarding the property apparently belonging to an official or the members of his family and not declared in the prescribed manner.

The specified procedural actions were carried out with the participation of the lawyers, selected by the above mentioned individuals, in accordance with the criminal-procedural guarantees of the protection of the righ ts.      

As a result of the preparation of the materials the appropriate procedural decisions will be made in accordance with the law.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA- by the court decision entered into legal force.