18 october 2019

Issues Related to Fight Against New Challenges of International Terrorism Discussed in Sochi

Issues Related to Fight Against New Challenges of International Terrorism Discussed in Sochi

From 16 to 17 October, under the aegis of the Federal Security Service of Russia, 18th session of the annual conference of the heads of intelligence services, security and law enforcement bodies of the partner states took place in the city of Sochi, Russian Federation. The delegation of the National Security Service of RA, headed by Interim Director Colonel Eduard Martirosyan, also participated in the session.

The conference is aimed at achievement of peace and security by adhering to the principles of the international law and of the general coordinating role of the UN.

125 delegations of more than 80 states' competent agencies have discussed and represented their views on the most recent methods of cooperation in the fight against international terrorism, on new issues in combating the new challenges and threats of international terrorism, as well as their views on the issues related to the cyber security of information spaces and coordinated approach to combating terrorism.

During the conference, the heads of intelligence services, security and law enforcement bodies of the participating states stated their views and approaches to contemporary issues. At the end of the conference the participants made a joint statement in which they particularly underlined the continuity in the process of increasing the efficiency of interaction between the states and their competent authorities in the sphere of counter-terrorism.

It should be noted that the approaches developed during the session, which are aimed at solving the new issues, have further development in various international platforms. The concluding and analytical materials of the session later get the status of an official document of UN General Assembly and UN Security Council.