11 october 2019



With regard to the unspecified and as such misinformation-containing article -published on 3 October 2019 in Zhamanak newspaper and 1in.am website, titled “The criminal case 'has been stopped' through the mediation of Mashadyan's close one – son of  'Tramvi parki Goji' ” - the National Security Service of  RA deems appropriate to inform  that  based on the body of admissible and credible evidence - obtained in the course of the preliminary investigation initiated in the Investigation Department  of the NSS of RA- the director of the company, who gave a bribe,  and the official, who received a bribe,  were detained; while being interrogated as suspects they gave confessionary statements, which they further claimed during the face-to-face interrogation.

The above-mentioned individuals and the bribery facilitator have been charged with apparent criminal acts under the corresponding articles of the Criminal Code of RA and taking into account the demonstrated behavior and family status, a written undertaking not to leave the place has been applied as a measure of restraint.

The preliminary investigation of the criminal case goes on; a number of expert examinations have been commissioned to clarify the fact of consumers’ being cheated by the economic entity and to precisely calculate the amount of damage caused to the state; no decision has been made to stop the criminal prosecution against any of the participants of the proceeding.

While remaining faithful to the principle of  being open and transparent to the public as much as possible, the National Security Service urges to use the official source while publishing materials related to its activities in order to confirm the authenticity of the obtained information.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA-by the court decision entered into legal force.