26 september 2019

“Ararat-Antiterror-2019” Joint Anti-Terrorism Exercise of Competent Authorities of CIS Member-States ended at Baghramyan Training Ground of RA AF

“Ararat-Antiterror-2019” Joint Anti-Terrorism Exercise of Competent Authorities of CIS Member-States ended at Baghramyan Training Ground of RA AF

The republican operations headquarters to lead the counterterrorism operation (CTO) involved the forces and resources of the Border Guard Troops of NSS, Armed Forces and Police of RA for participation in a special operation aimed at blocking and destruction of illegal armed groups focused on terrorism and at stabilization of situation.

The subdivisions of MES of the Republic have been involved to eliminate the consequences of the terrorist act.

According to the idea of the exercise, after conducting CTO on the territory of “Gazprom Armenia” CJSC, the republican operations headquarters receives information according to which separate groups of terrorists are trying to leave the territory of Armenia breaking through the state border. At the same time the terrorists who have kept the fighting ability and haven’t managed to come out to the border, take over a settlement having an intention to ensure the unhindered withdrawal from the territory of the Republic under the guise of local people.

The development of the actions of RA security agencies’ subdivisions at Baghramyan Training Ground of RA AF has been conducted with several episodes:

1st episode- Search and destruction of illegal armed groups by the forces of battalion combat team (with participation of subdivisions of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia).

2nd episode- Implementation of joint combat activities by the subdivisions of AF and Police of RA aimed at liberation of the settlement taken over by the terrorists.

3rd episode- The destruction of the group of fighters and release of hostages in a separate building by “Leopard” special forces unit of Police.

4th episode- Stabilization of the situation in the settlement and elimination of the consequences of the impact of terrorism (with participation of the subdivisions of MES and Police of the Republic of Armenia).

5th episode- Implementation of joint combat activities aimed at destruction of a big illegal armed group (with participation of the subdivisions of RA AF, with combat firing practice).

6th episode- Destruction of small illegal armed groups by the forces of subdivisions of the RA NSS Border Guard Troops.

In total, around two thousand servicemen from RA AF, NSS, MES and Police were involved in manoeuvres.

“Ararat-Antiterror-2019” joint anti-terrorism exercise of the competent authorities of the CIS member-states was conducted in three stages under the coordination of CIS ATC and was aimed at increasing the preparedness of security agencies, intelligence services and other force structures of Commonwealth states in order to jointly address the challenges and threats of terrorism. Intelligence agencies of 7 CIS states- Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan- participated in the exercise.