25 september 2019

Get-Together of Senior Executives of Anti-Terrorism Units of Security Agencies and Intelligence Services of CIS Member-States Is Held in Yerevan

Get-Together of Senior Executives of Anti-Terrorism Units of Security Agencies and Intelligence Services of CIS Member-States Is Held in Yerevan

From 25 to 26 September 2019, the CIS Anti-Terrorism Centre (CIS ATC) jointly with the National Security Service of RA (RA NSS) is conducting the get-together of the senior executives of the anti-terrorism units of the security agencies and intelligence services of the CIS member-states.

The key event of the get-together will be the conduct of the final stages of “Ararat-Antiterror-2019” Joint Anti-Terrorism Exercise.

Head of the CIS ATC Colonel-General of Police Andrey Novikov and Interim Director of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia Eduard Martirosyan are participating in the opening of the get-together.

The agenda of the get-together includes: 

  • The summing of the first stage of “Ararat-Antiterror-2019” joint anti-terrorism exercise of the competent authorities of the CIS member-states (hereinafter exercise) conducted under the coordination of CIS ATC in the territories of 7 states: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan (25 September).
  • The conduct of the second and third  stages of the exercise including:
  • Conducting a counter-terrorism operation by the subdivisions of RA NSS aimed at rescuing the hostages and neutralizing the terrorists in fuel and energy complex facility (“Gazprom Armenia” CJSC, 25 September).
  • Conducting a special operation involving the subdivisions of RA Armed Forces, Police, MES, border guards of NSS, aimed at blocking and destruction of illegal armed groups and elimination of the consequences of terrorist acts (26 September, Baghramyan Training Ground of the Armed Forces of RA).
  • Expanded meeting of CIS ATC Scientific and Advisory Council involving the representatives of scientific circles and of NGOs on the theme of Organizing the protection of critical infrastructures from terrorist threats (25 September).

The get-together of the senior executives of the anti-terrorism units of the security agencies and intelligence services of the CIS member-states is held according to the program of cooperation of the CIS member-states in combating terrorism and other violent manifestations of extremism and is a key component of the counter terrorism collaboration system of Commonwealth states.

Every year an exchange of experience takes place on this platform; relevant issues related to inter-state and inter-agency cooperation in the fight against terrorism are discussed; the algorithms of coordinated actions of CIS member-states’ competent authorities aimed at addressing the terrorist threats are developed in the format of joint anti-terrorism exercises.

The delegations of 8 Commonwealth states' security agencies and intelligence services- NSS of the Republic of Armenia, SSC of the Republic of Belarus, NSC of the Republic of Kazakhstan, SCNS of the Kyrgyz Republic, SIS of the Republic of Moldova, FSS of the Russian Federation, SCNS of the Republic of Tajikistan, SSS of the Republic of Uzbekistan- and the delegations of  CIS Executive Committee and sectoral cooperation bodies - Coordination Service of the Council of the Commanders of the Border Forces, Bureau for the Coordination of the Fight Against Organized Crime and Other Dangerous Types of Crime on the Territory of CIS member-states, Secretariat of the Council of the Ministers of Defense, Council of the Heads of Penitentiary Services, Council of the Heads of Financial Intelligence Units of the CIS member-states, Committee of the Heads of law enforcement units of the Council of the Heads of the Customs Services and  the Interstate Aviation Committee-  are going to participate in two-day events.