01 august 2019

Criminal Group Engaged in Organization of Illegal Migration Detected

Criminal Group Engaged in Organization of Illegal Migration Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, as a result of operational and search measures and investigation activities undertaken within the framework of the implementation of its functions aimed at the fight against illegal migration, detected a criminal group engaged in organization of illegal migration.

According to the obtained preliminary data, a group of persons residing in the Republic of Iraq,  with prior agreement, using false documents to get a proper permission for transit through the territory of the Republic of Armenia, organized illegal migration of a number of Iraqi citizens, receiving 12 000 EUR from each of them.

The criminal group handed them the air tickets for Erbil-Yerevan and Yerevan-Istanbul-Erbil flights, agreeing that they wouldn’t actually return to Iraq and would illegally leave for Europe. According to the designed plan, the indicated persons crossed the state border of RA with their valid passports of the citizens of the Republic of Iraq, but in the transit area of the airport they tried to get on a plane to Vienna using obviously false Spanish and French passports and boarding passes registered with the data of these false passports; the NSS officers detected the crime and the organization of illegal migration was prevented.

The mentioned citizens of the Republic of Iraq have been arrested and involved as the accused on suspicion of committing a crime envisaged in the corresponding article of the RA Criminal Code, and personal guarantee has been chosen as a measure of restraint.

Besides, 2 citizens of the Republic of Armenia - one of them may be associated with the organization of illegal migration of Iraqi citizens - in the same way organized the illegal migration of a group of RA citizens to Europe. Particularly, in the transit area of the airport, the mentioned citizens, using false Greek certificates of residence and boarding passes registered with the data of these certificates, tried to get on a plane to Barcelona, but were brought in by the officers of RA NSS. Written undertaking not to leave the place was applied as a measure of restraint against them.  Respective investigative activities were conducted.

As a result of the searches conducted in the places of organizers' residence, Spanish resident cards and self-adhesive Greece visas were found. The mentioned persons were brought in and arrested on suspicion of committing a crime under the corresponding article of the RA Criminal Code.

In the Investigation Department of the NSS of RA, criminal case has been initiated on the fact of commitment of apparent crimes, according to corresponding articles of the Criminal Code of RA. Charges have been brought against 5 persons.

Preliminary investigation is being conducted.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.