22 july 2019

Senior Prosecutor Involved As Accused on Criminal Case Instituted in the Investigation Department of NSS of RA

Senior Prosecutor Involved As Accused on Criminal Case Instituted in the Investigation Department of NSS of RA

On the bases of the materials of the criminal case instituted in the Investigation Department of the National Security Service of RA, upon the decision of the acting General Prosecutor of RA, the senior prosecutor of the department of the General Prosecutor's Office of RA L.K.  has been involved as the accused, according to part 3 of Article 311 of the Criminal Code of RA for receiving a bribe on a major scale.

Apparent data were obtained on the criminal case that the senior prosecutor of  the department of the General Prosecutor's Office of RA, in connection with the issue of release on parole  of G.G. who in 2013, according to paragraph 3 of part 3 of Article 175 of the Criminal Code of RA, had been sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment for conducting a banditry in aggravating circumstances and was serving his sentence in a corresponding  criminal-executive institution, in June 2019 demanded and received by parts a bribe on a major scale from the convict's closed one in order to interfere, using his official position, in the given procedural process, i.e.  no objection from the prosecutor participating in the given proceeding during the discussion of the convict’s request related to the release on parole and  no appeal in case the court granted the motion to release on parole,  thus helping to ensure the wanted result for the convict.

By the order of the acting general prosecutor, senior prosecutor L.K. has been suspended. A request to choose the detention as a measure of restraint against him has been submitted to the court of general jurisdiction of first instance of Yerevan.

Preliminary investigation goes on, measures are being taken under the proper prosecutorial supervision to ensure the comprehensive, full and objective investigation of the circumstances of the case.

 Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.