09 july 2019

Case of demanding and receiving bribe by officer of RA SRC detected

Case of demanding and receiving bribe by officer of RA SRC detected

As a result of operative-search measures undertaken by the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia  within the framework of the implementation of its functions aimed at the fight against corruption, a case of demanding and receiving a bribe by the officer of RA SRC has been detected.
According to preliminary data obtained, chief inspector of Goris Territorial Tax Inspectorate of the Operational Department of the State Revenue Committee of RA, being aware that «Kapuyt Basalt» LLC conducted stone mining and its sale without appropriate permission and didn't register the main part of its employees, in order not to record this fact and not to start a legal process, demanded and as a bribe received basalt stone (costing around 600,000 AMD in total). Within the period of 2017-2018, the company actually mined and, without paying taxes, sold around 700 cubic meters of stone, with 17,500,000 AMD total cost, causing considerable damage to the state.
In the Investigation Department of the NSS of RA a criminal case has been initiated on the fact of the apparent crime, according to corresponding articles. Charges have been brought against 2 persons. The official of SRC has been detained. Preliminary investigation is being conducted.
Note: A person suspected in or charged with a criminal offense shall be presumed innocent unless proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code of RA and unless the verdict comes into legal force.