26 june 2019

An official of the RA State Social Security Service was detained

An official of the RA State Social Security Service was detained

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, within the framework of the implementation of its functions to fight corruption, conducted integrated operative-search measures and investigation activities as a result of which revealed cases where the head of Gavar Division of RA State Social Security Service demanded and received bribe.
According to the preliminary data obtained, the head of Gavar Division of RA State Social Security Service, made official false documents and with the use of which entering false data related to the service time into the data base of state pension system, in order to ensure the highest amount of pension for the pensioners, since January 2019 to date demanded and received from each one up to AMD 300.000; received particularly large amount of money by bribe, AMD 1.280.000 in total. On June 19 2019, the said official and the bribe-giver were detained by the RA NSS officers at the moment of receiving another bribe of AMD 210.000. The money was discovered in the passport of the citizen.  
A criminal case on the apparent crime has been instituted in the Investigation Department of the NSS of RA under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of RA. An indictment was filed against the said official and detention was selected as a measure of restraint.

Note: A person suspected in or charged with a criminal offense shall be presumed innocent unless proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code of RA and unless the verdict comes into legal force.