25 june 2019

Discussion in RA Academy of Justice, upon Initiative of NSS of RA

Discussion in RA Academy of Justice, upon Initiative of NSS of RA

Upon the initiative of the RA National Security Service, on 25 June a working discussion was held in the RA Academy of Justice, entitled “Criminal Characteristics of Unlawful Enrichment and Peculiarities of Qualification”.

Judges of RA courts of different instances, representatives of RA General Prosecutor's Office, RA investigation bodies, RA ethics committee on high-ranking officials, as well as representatives of the NSS of RA Department on Economic Security and Countering Corruption raised a number of questions concerning the criteria and sources of unlawful enrichment, burden of proof within the framework of these criminal cases. The corpus delicti of unlawful enrichment was considered and interpreted within the context of presumption of innocence, numerous disputable and problematic issues, encountered in practice while investigating those crimes, were put forward, the necessity to establish a joint unified investigation and judicial law enforcement practice was emphasized.

The rector of the Academy Sergey Araqelyan, having thanked those present, stated that the working discussion was dedicated to an extremely acute subject, and taking into consideration the results of the discussion, there was an arrangement to organize in the near future a joint discussion with the engagement of international partners as well.

At the same time an arrangement was made to jointly prepare a practical handbook on the results of the discussion, and in case of necessity to initiate as well legislative changes.