21 june 2019

Case of Embezzlement of Another Person’s Property by a Group of Persons under Pretext of Receiving Bribe Detected

Case of Embezzlement of Another Person’s Property by a Group of Persons under Pretext of Receiving Bribe Detected

As a result of large-scale operative-search activities undertaken by officers of the National Security Service of RA within the framework of implementing the functions to combat crime, a case of embezzlement of another person’s property by a group of persons under the pretext of receiving a bribe was detected.

According to obtained preliminary data, 2 citizens of the Republic of Armenia, presenting themselves to some commanders of different units of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia and the Defense Army of the Republic of Artsakh , as well as to citizens as generals of «Special service of the Government», «Intelligence», National Security Service, and wearing uniforms  with corresponding shoulder straps, abusing the trust of a number of RA citizens, in order to settle their sons, who were in compulsory military service, in units favorable for them or to demobilize them premature, under the pretext of giving a bribe to officer corps and medical specialists, since September 2018 have fraudulently demanded and embezzled sums equivalent to 600-1500 USD.

In connection with the apparent crime incident a criminal case has been initiated in the Investigation Department of the NSS of RA under the corresponding article of the RA Criminal Code. In the National Security Service of RA, the mentioned individuals confessed their guilt and regretted for the committed act.

Preliminary investigation is being conducted.


Note: A person suspected in or charged with a criminal offense shall be presumed innocent unless proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code of RA and unless the verdict comes into legal force.