14 may 2019

The author of the false alarm call on a terrorist act was disclosed

The author of the false alarm call on a terrorist act was disclosed

On May 14 2019, at 2:10 PM, the Police of Armenia received an alarm call on the hotline that an explosive device was installed in the 3rd building of the Government of Armenia.
As a result of urgent operative-search measures conducted by the officers of the NSS of Republic of Armenia, it was revealed that the alarm call on terrorist act was false. The alarm call was made by a person who is under custody in “Nubarashen” penitentiary institution and is charged with robbery, embezzlement and falsification of documents. As a result of unexpected search conducted jointly with the officials of the Criminal-executive Department of the Ministry of Justice of Republic of Armenia, a Wi-Fi device, charger and 5 mobile phones, as well as the mobile phone card with which the false alarm call about the terrorist act was made, were found in the cell of the detainee.
Materials are being prepared in the NSS of RA on the case of false terrorist act report.

Note. A person suspected in or charged with a criminal offense shall be presumed innocent unless proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code of RA and unless the verdict comes into legal force.