30 april 2019

Large amounts of money were extorted by deceit in the cemetery for land acquisitions.

Large amounts of money were extorted by deceit in the cemetery for land acquisitions.

As a result of operative-search measures and integrated investigation activities conducted within the framework of the implementation of its functions to combating crime, the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia detected and prevented a large-scale fraud case by an organized group.
According to the preliminary data obtained, the RA citizens A.Sh. and N.H., in an organized crime group, have spread false information related to the jurisdiction of the provision of cemetery lands of Dzoraghbyur community of RA Kotayk region and since the summer of 2018 have extorted by deceit a particularly large amount of US dollars, equivalent to AMD 1.932.000, from a number of citizens who have applied to them for allocating lands for burial on a legal basis. In particular, according to the preliminary roles, N.H. has introduced himself to many citizens in the cemetery who have applied for burial matters as an authorized person to regulate land acquisitions in the cemetery, and in order to create confidence, even visited the cemetery and showed the free land areas. Afterwards coming to an agreement over the price, by deception extorted the money, transferred to his accomplice and received his share.
A criminal case on the alleged crime has been instituted in the Investigation Department of the NSS of RA under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of RA, two persons were filed an indictment and restraints were chosen.
The preliminary investigation goes on.

Note. A person that is suspected or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent unless his/her guilt is not proved by court judgment that has come into legal effect pursuant to the procedure determined by RA Criminal Procedure Code.