29 april 2019

Detained while Taking a Bribe

Detained while Taking a Bribe

 On April 25 2019, National Security Service of Republic of Armenia received a report from RA citizen on regular bribe extortion charges since 2017 by an operative of Kotayk Criminal Investigation Division of Kotayk Provincial Department.
 According to the preliminary data obtained from the operative-search measures, Kotayk Police Criminal Investigation Department officer G.G., knowing that a resident of Kotayk had previously used drugs, threatened to take measures within the scope of his official authorities to create grounds for criminal liability of the latter, demanded and during June 2017 to April 26 2019, regularly received particularly large amount of money by extortion, AMD 4.265.800 in total.
 On April 26 the next bribe of AMD 200.000 was transferred under the operational control of the NSS and Police officers and immediately after that the police officer was subjected to detention. He was charged under point 2, part 4 of Article 311 of the Criminal Code of RA. The operative was detained.

 Note. A person that is suspected or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent unless his/her guilt is not proved by court judgment that has come into legal effect pursuant to the procedure determined by RA Criminal Procedure Code.