18 april 2019

Report about the criminal case initiated against officers of State Control Service of RA

Report about the criminal case initiated against officers of State Control Service of RA

Taking into account the public interest in criminal case in connection with the alleged abuses committed by the officers of the State Control Service, the National Security Service of RA informs that on 18 April 2019 Davit Sanasaryan was charged under Article 308, paragraph 1 of the RA Criminal Code based on combination of sufficient evidence obtained in the course of preliminary investigation of the criminal case that was initiated on 20 February 2019 in the Investigation Department of the NSS of RA under Article 308, paragraph 2 and Article 325, paragraph 2 of the RA Criminal Code for the abuse of official powers having serious consequences and forging, realization and use of documents by a group of people with prior agreement.
Sufficient evidence was obtained allegedly indicating that Davit Sanasaryan, while being the head of the State Control Service and having the authorities to directly manage the service, appoint and dismiss the officers, task them to conduct surveys in controlled objects and demand documents and information related to the service functions of the controlled objects thereof, allegedly used his official position in favor of a group interest in order to support entrepreneurial activities of the company effectively managed by his officers and didn't perform his official duties. Written undertaking not to leave the place was applied against him as measure of restraint.
On 18 April 2019 a decision to temporarily suspend Davit Sanasaryan, Head of the State Control Service, was made by the investigator with the consent of the prosecutor controlling the lawfulness of the preliminary investigation, which was sent to the Prime Minister of RA.
Preliminary investigation goes on, measures are being taken to ensure the comprehensive, full and objective investigation of the circumstances of the case.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA-by the court decision entered into legal force.