21 february 2019

Illegal Crossing of RA State Border Aided and Abetted by Official Detected

Illegal Crossing of RA State Border Aided and Abetted by Official Detected

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, as a result of measures taken within the framework of implementation of its functions to ensure the protection and inviolability of the State border, detected another case of illegal crossing of the protected RA State border, aided and abetted by an official, accompanied with abuse of official authorities.
The preliminary investigation, conducted by the Investigation Department of the NSS of RA within the framework of the criminal case initiated according to part 1 of Article 308 and part 1 of Article 329, established that the senior inspector of the Gogavan border control unit of the border control detachment of the Border Guard Troops of the NSS of RA G.P, who is an official, on 20 July 2018, while conducting his service in the border patrol unit and being ex officio obliged to conduct the border control with respect to persons and vehicles crossing the RA State border, contrary to the interests of the service and proceeding from personal interest, at the instigation of his acquaintance N.A., did not fulfill his official duties and did not take measures to prevent the crossing of the protected RA State border by A.Gh., hidden inside the passenger compartment of Toyota (plate number 05 PL 050), through the BCP without the border control, and did not upload the data of the State border violator into the border management information system, thus aiding A.Gh. in illegal crossing of the State border of the Republic of Armenia.
Based on the correlated, reliable sufficient evidence obtained within the framework of the criminal case, the official G.P. is charged with part 1 of Article 308 and part 1 of Article 38-329 of the Criminal Code of RA: abusing the official authorities and aiding the illegal crossing of the protected RA State border: The latter pled guilty and gave confessionary statements. N.A. is charged with part 1 of Article 38-308 and part 1 of Article 38-329 of the Criminal Code of RA. Written undertaking not to leave the place is chosen with respect to them as a pre-trial restriction.
At present measures are taken to establish the whereabouts of the border violator and to bring him to justice. The preliminary investigation on the criminal case goes on.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA-by the court decision entered into legal force.