05 february 2019

Study in the leading professional institutes of Russia is organized for candidates who want to serve in the NSS of RA

Study in the leading professional institutes of Russia is organized for candidates who want to serve in the NSS of RA

     In order to ensure the recruitment of the National Security Service of the RA, education of the residents of the RA is also organized in Academy of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Kaliningrad and Kurgan Border Guard Institutes as well as in Security Guard Federal Academy of Oryol which are military-educational institutions.

     After graduating from the Academy of Federal Security Service and Kurgan Border Guard Institute, the graduates get lawyer qualifications and graduating from Kaliningrad Border Guard Institute and Security Guard Federal Academy of Oryol, the graduates get engineer qualification after which start their service as officers in the units of the NSS of RA and Border Guard Troops.
The duration of the education is 5 years. During that period the cadets are provided with a dormitory located on the territory of the universities, free food and scholarship.

     Citizens of RA who are fluent in Armenian and Russian and due to their health condition, physical training and personal data correspond to the requirements of the serviceman of the NSS of RA may take part in the admission:

- Students of high school graduating classes;
- Citizens up to 23 years old who have secondary education with compulsory military service;
- Citizens with high school degree who are under 18;
- Citizens with high school degree, 18-and-more-year-old but those who have been granted a deferment of military service.

     Conformity check of the health condition and medical examination of the candidates are carried out by the military-medical committee of the NSS of RA and it also includes the check of drug-addiction, alcoholism, sexual viruses and the existence of other diseases as well as psychological testing.
     The candidates also pass polygraph (lie detector) examination according to the established order.

     The admission is conducted on a competitive basis – on the bases of the following exams in the NSS of RA of proper difficulty level:
- Physical training testing according to the following indicators:

- Interview (in Russian);
- personal qualities and traits test;
- russian test (oral and written);
- Armenian language (written dictation);
- Mathematics- for the applicants of Kaliningrad Border Guard Institute of Russian Federation Federal Security Service and Security Guard Federal Academy of Oryol;
- Physics- for the applicants of Security Guard Federal Academy of Oryol;
- Foreign language (oral)- Academy of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and Kurgan Institute of the Border Service.

The applications are accepted from the 10th of January till the 10th of March.
For detailed information you may apply to the RA NSS reception at the address: Nalbandyan104, Yerevan or call by phone number 010 58 90 89 or 010 57 91 With the questions related to the service in the Border Guard Troops: 010 36 35 24.