26 october 2018

Caused damage is being recovered

Caused damage is being recovered

As we had informed earlier, based on the materials prepared on the basis of the information provided by Assistant to the Prime-minister of RA on anti-corruption matters, as well as on the obtained documentary grounds, on August 6, 2018 the Investigation Department of the NSS of RA initiated a criminal case under paragraph 1, part 3, Article 179 (embezzlement in particularly large amount).
According to the preliminary data revealed in the criminal case, about 10 commercial companies operating in the Republic of Armenia between 2009 and 2017 under the contracts signed with the Ministry of Defense committed to supply various goods and armament worth more than 10 billion drams for the needs of the army. However, significantly violating contractual terms and without solid grounds, they have not implemented supplies yet or supplied low-value and poor-quality goods than those prescribed in the contracts.
As a result of the investigative activities conducted within the given criminal case, on 19 October 2018, 339.672.998 AMD - a part of the damage amounting in total to 1.135.738.053 AMD caused by “HINET” LLC (one of the abovementioned companies that hasn’t carried out the supplies within the terms provided in the contracts without any valid reason) - as a partial compensation were transferred to RA State budget. The rest is compensated by supplying special communication means.
The preliminary investigation goes on, within the framework of which the cooperation with the Prime Minister’s Office is active and continuous.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.