01 october 2018

Volleyball Championship in the Border Guard Troops of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia

Volleyball Championship in the Border Guard Troops of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia

From September 24 to September 28 Volleyball Championship of the Border Guard Troops of the NSS of the RA was held in the sports hall of the Border Guard Troops according to the Plans of Combat and Sport Events (2018) of the Border Guard Troops of the NSS of the RA. This year six teams fought for the first place. Before the start of the championship the Commander of the Border Guard Troops of the NSS of the RA, Colonel Vaghinak Sargsyan, greeted the competitors, wished them good luck and noted that a good physical training is an important element in the combat readiness and an indicator of combat capability of the troops.
As a result of the competition the first honorable place was won by the Border Guard Troops of the NSS of the RA, the second place - the 2nd border detachment, and the third place – the teams of the training center. At the end of the championship the winners were awarded with cups and sports medals, and the best players received diplomas.