16 august 2018

The RA National Security Service is Ready to Support the Border Department of the RF Federal Security Service in Armenia: A.Vanetsyan

The RA National Security Service is Ready to Support the Border Department of the RF Federal Security Service in Armenia: A.Vanetsyan

The RA National Security Service Director Arthur Vanetsyan received the delegation headed by Lieutenant-General Igor Konstantinov, Deputy Director of Border Guard Department of the Federal Security Service of Russia, Head of the Border Guard Department.
At the beginning of the meeting, I. Konstantinov introduced the newly appointed head of the RF FSS Border Guard, Major-General Roman Golubitsky and his past career history to the Director of the RA National Security Service.
The Director congratulated him on his appointment, wished him successful service and assured that the RA National Security Service is always ready to support in the protection of borders.
While discussing the issues of bilateral cooperation, A. Vanetsyan noted that the relations of the Republic of Armenia with the Russian Federation practically include all the spheres of mutually beneficial cooperation and expressed hope that similar meetings will promote to the further strengthening of this cooperation.
The Russian side also expressed readiness to contribute to the development of possible cooperation and then referred to the mission of the RF Border Guards in Armenia.