09 august 2018

A criminal case has been initiated against the companies that supply goods and ammunition to the MOD of RA

A criminal case has been initiated against the companies that supply goods and ammunition to the MOD of RA

On the basis of the data and documents provided by the RA Prime Minister’s assistant on anti-corruption issues and with the materials prepared in the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence of the NSS a criminal case has been initiated in the Investigation Department of the NSS of RA under Article 179, paragraph 3, point 1 of RA Criminal Code (embezzlement in large amount).
According to the preliminary data found out in the course of the investigation, around 10 trade companies, acting in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, have undertaken to supply different goods and ammunition worth a total of more than 10 billion AMD, for the needs of the Army under the agreement signed with the Ministry of Defense of RA during 2009-2017, but, without grounded reason blatantly violating the terms of the agreement, have not delivered the supplies since now or supplied poor quality goods costing less than envisaged in agreement.
During the preliminary investigation joint inspections will be conducted with the Ministry of Defense of RA to find out the circumstances of disposition of the money transferred to the trade companies, acceptance of already supplied goods and other circumstances of importance to the case. Respective inspections and examinations will be ordered to determine the exact amount of damage caused to the state, the participants of the illegal transaction will be identified and a legal assessment to their actions will be provided.
The cooperation with the Prime Minister’s staff will have a continuous nature.
Note: Every person suspected in or charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent unless proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code of RA and unless the verdict comes into legal force.