20 july 2018

The RA NSS Director met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Armenia Jun Yamada

The RA NSS Director met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Armenia Jun Yamada

On July 20 at the reception hall of the administrative building of the NSS, the RA NSS Director Arthur Vanetsyan received Jun Yamada, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the RA.
Following the welcoming speech the NSS Director A.Vanetsyan expressed his condolences to Ambassador Yamada on the recent flood disaster victims in Japan. During the meeting, the Director expressed readiness to cooperate with special services of Japan on exchange of information and experience. The issue of purchasing Japanese special equipment for special services was also discussed. The NSS Director expressed hope that the meeting will be a strong basis for the cooperation and interaction between the Armenian and Japanese special services in favor of the interests of the two States.

Ambassador Yamada stressed that he considers our country safe in terms of terrorist threats and other crimes, which, as to his evaluation, is the result of effective work of the NSS system. The Ambassador of Japan to Armenia also noted that the availability of Japanese tourists in Armenia points to the country's security.

Ambassador Yamada expressed also readiness to support the cooperation between the RA National Security Service and the Japanese law enforcement agencies.
At the end of the meeting the Ambassador thanked for the warm welcome.