11 july 2018

The death threats were not real

The death threats were not real

The discussions among the society and different environmental circles on the exploitation of Amulsar gold mine and the disagreements between the representatives of Lydian Armenia and the citizens, who are against the exploitation, have escalated into conflicts.
The situation, due to its increased publicity, attracts increased media attention and the opinions of all sides receive good press coverage.
People, who are concerned with this issue of state and social importance, sometimes violate the legal frameworks with their actions, and it cannot be ignored by law enforcement authorities.
On July 6 the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia received a report from the Directorate of Lydian Armenia stating that the workers of the company and their family members received death threats (with weapon) from some of the activists, who were against the exploitation of Amulsar, which they made in their interview to the news web side of First Channel.
With the prepared materials and based on this report a criminal case has been initiated in the Investigation Department of the NSS under Article 137, paragraph 1 of RA Criminal Code (the threat to murder, to inflict damage to one’s health or to destroy property).
As a result of operational measures it has been found that RA citizens A.B and A. A are the ones, who made death threats.
On 6 July 2018 A.B and A. A were detained and questioned as suspects in the NSS of RA, where they testified that that the threats were not serious, they didn’t have any weapon, they were not aware of anyone’s family members, their fight against the exploitation of Amulsar mine had a peaceful nature and it is within the legal frameworks. The aforementioned individuals also stated that they had regretted for what had happened and they had considered such a behavior unacceptable.
Within the framework of the criminal case searches have been conducted at the address, where the aforementioned RA citizens reside, during which nothing of importance to the case have been found. A written obligation not to leave a place has been the preventive measure taken towards A.B and A.A.
Preliminary investigation is going on.
The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia urges RA citizens to fight for their right within the legal frameworks and refrain from any expression of violence or compulsion.

Note: Every person suspected in or charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent unless proved guilty in the manner prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code of RA and unless the verdict comes into legal force.