21 june 2018

Cases of particularly large-scale misappropriation with the use of official capacity were revealed

Cases of particularly large-scale misappropriation with the use of official capacity were revealed

As a result of operative-intelligence measures conducted by the officers of the Military Counterintelligence General Directorate of National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia, on June 11 and 12, cases of particularly large-scale misappropriation with the use of official capacity were revealed.
It was disclosed that from December 2017 till June 2018 commanders of several divisions of N military unit have written out and misappropriated large amount of fuel.
As a result of conducted measures it was ascertained that the head of the petroleum residue service of the military unit coming to an agreement with the military unit management conducted law contravening activities.
In particular, he withdrew the fuel in parts from the military unit and sold to the owners of filling stations in the region. Afterwards, the most part of the take-out was transferred to the military unit commander, and the rest was distributed among the commanders of the divisions.
Based on the obtained operational data, during the sale of the next batch of fuel, the National Security Service detained the owner of one of the filling stations and the head of petroleum residue service.
The Investigation Department of the RA National Security Service initiated a criminal case by features of the 1st clause, 3rd part of Article 179 of the Criminal Code, i.e. embezzlement of particularly large amount.
Within another case of illegal activities by servicemen, factual data were obtained that in January-June 2018, the servicemen in charge for logistics of MoD N military unit, misusing their official capacity, the motor engineering spare parts of various subdivisions of RA Armed Forces that were sent to the military unit for repair, including motors, gear cases, tires and tracks, with pre-designed criminal schemes, were represented as unfit for further use, and sold to people who were engaged in the trade of spare parts. The profit was pocketed.
The said officials, committing activities contrary to the service interests, sold the new spare parts released for the repair of separate military techniques and instead placed used spare parts on techniques.
In combination with satisfactory proof a criminal case was initiated in the Investigation Department of the RA National Security Service pursuant to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd clauses of 2nd part of Article 179 of the RA Criminal Code, i.e. embezzlement of particularly large amount by a group of persons with prior agreement, abusing the official position.
The preliminary investigation on the said criminal cases goes on. Measures are taken to identify the circumstances and other related persons of the case, as well as the extent of the caused material damage.
It is worth to stress that similar actions committed by servicemen inflict substantial damage to the RA MoD. It has a negative impact also on ensuring the security of the Armenian borders, as well as fighting capacity, and operational readiness of the Armed Forces, thereby creating the necessary preconditions for emergencies.
The RA National Security Service urges the public to refrain from making possible bargains with servicemen, as well as calls the representatives of the RA National Security Service to refrain from unlawful activities, otherwise it will be punished with the harshness of the law.
Note. A person that is suspected or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent unless his/her guilt is not proved by court judgment that has come into legal effect pursuant to the procedure determined by RA Criminal Procedure Code.