13 june 2018

To transfer large amounts of money, in addition to the payments provided for by the law

To transfer large amounts of money, in addition to the payments provided for by the law

The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia received a report from RA citizens V.G. and A.KH. that they were imposed by Yerevan Town Hall officials to transfer large amounts of money, in addition to the payments provided for by the law, to “Yerevan” foundation in exchange for providing corresponding permissions for construction and property registration.

During the preparation of the materials, it was established that a part of the money, received in cash under the above-mentioned pretense, had not been registered in the foundation account and had been misappropriated.

On the basis of crime reports a criminal case was initiated by the Investigation Directorate of NSS of RA under Article 308 (2) (“Abuse of officials powers, which negligently caused grave consequences”) and 178 (2) (1.1) (Fraud made by using official position) of the Criminal Code of RA.

Within the criminal case, searches were carried out in the “Yerevan” foundation offices located in the administrative building of Yerevan Town Hall. Large-scale operative-search measures and investigation activities are carried out in order to establish the circumstances, cost directions and purposefulness, as well as the legality of money collection from citizens.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Criminal Code of Procedure of RA- by the court decision entered into legal force.