29 may 2018

Announces recruitment process to expand the staff of the warrant officers

Announces recruitment process to expand the staff of the warrant officers

The National Security Service announces recruitment process to expand the staff of the warrant officers, officers and military doctors of RA NSS Border Guard Troops with professionally well-prepared young officers.
The abovementioned vacancies can be filled by RA female and male citizens under 30 years of age, who have secondary vocational or higher education, have completed compulsory military service (except female candidates) and RA citizens under 30 (except those, who moved), who meet the professional, personal qualities’ and health condition’s requirements envisaged in Article 14, paragraph 1 of RA law on “Service in national security bodies”, who completed compulsory military service (except female candidates, candidates who graduated higher educational institutions and got a military training and passed all the corresponding exams, as well as the candidates who were granted a deferment of call-up for family reasons and registered in reserve forces) regardless of their nationality, race, gender, social, material or other conditions, fluent in Armenian and able to perform the duties of national security officer with his/her working, personal and moral qualities, education, health condition and physical training.
In exceptional situations several posts in National security bodies can be taken up by citizens over 30 with the permission of the head of competent authority.
Candidates can submit their applications to the Reception of the National Security Service of RA, 104 Nalbandyan street, Yerevan. For more details, please call on

(010) 58-90-89, (015) 57-91-77, (015) 36-32-74 or send an email to kadrer@sns.am.