30 august 2021

Cases of Committing Fraud on Especially Large Scale by Licensed Organizations Operating in Field of Technical Inspection of Vehicles Detected

Cases of Committing Fraud on Especially Large Scale by Licensed Organizations Operating in Field of Technical Inspection of Vehicles Detected

As a result of the large-scale operative-search measures taken, the employees of the Shirak Provincial Department of the RA National Security Service found out that the heads of two licensed LLCs in the field of technical inspection of vehicles, in the presence of 2 parts of technical coupons, considered state budget income, which were not provided to the technical station inspection, with the sole intent of stealing money by fraud, which were allocated for the technical inspection of vehicles, for the period from 1 January, 2020 to 30 July, 2021, by issuing gas coupons and money to many residents of the Shirak province, or in other way  to interest them, received from them the 2nd parts of the technical coupons issued by the bank to the car owners and, without actually having carried out the technical inspection of the cars, provided for by the “Procedure for conducting the mandatory technical inspection of vehicles of non-public use in the Republic of Armenia”, approved by the Decree of the RA Government No. 350-N dated 31 March, 2011, however, presenting them to the authorized state body as coupons for cars that passed the technical inspection as a fee provided for carrying out the technical inspection of vehicles, stole from the RA state budget through fraud sums in especially large amounts: about 92.876.000 AMD- in one case, about 5.353.000 AMD - in another case.

In connection with the mentioned incidents, two criminal cases were initiated in the Investigation Department of the RA National Security Service on the grounds of Article 178, Part 3, Clause 1 of the RA Criminal Code.

Note: The suspect or accused of an alleged crime is considered innocent as long as his guilt is not proven in a manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of RA - by the court decision entered into legal force.